Pick the perfect cigar for your customer & make the sale everytime!
The process of discovery is the quickest way to figure out what kind of cigar you should be selling to your customer. The easiest way to ascertain this is to ask a simple question:
Are you a regular cigar smoker? And if so what do you like/dislike?
The answer to this will help you determine what type of cigar they want. If they rarely smoke you should be suggesting a more mild cigar with a lighter shade wrapper. Or perhaps even a flavored cigar. Flavored cigars are always made with added sugars so are sweet to the taste and geared towards beginner cigar smokers and ladies. If they smoke often (more than a few cigars a month) then it would be good to suggest a medium to fuller bodied cigar. Full bodied cigars are easy to spot just by looking for a darker wrapper.
By simply following this rule of thumb regarding the color of the wrapper you will easily help your customer find the right cigar for him/her and get that customer back again for a repeat sale!